Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time management...

Since I've been so busy with work Monday-Friday, all I really wanna do on the weekends is just chill and relax. But being a Recruiter by day and Rapper by night, I can't afford that luxury. If I'm gonna get anything done with this mixtape, I need to be in "work mode" on the weekends. This is really my time to get some major recording done. I's not like I need to travel some far distance and rely on someone else's schedule to record my songs. I pretty much have all the equipment I need right here.

About a year or two ago, I was talking to this MC who was telling me about the recording process he had to go through back in the day. He had to travel a far distance and lay down a lot of money just to get one track done. As he put it, "With technology these days, you can easily set up a home studio. If I had the equipment back then that you guys have right now, I'd have more a lot more albums out." With that said, there's no reason why I shouldn't be crankin' out songs on a weekly basis.

It's all about managing my time. I'm not saying I want to do this all the time, but a couple weekends I set a daily schedule for myself (just like I do at work) and the results turned out great. It was a very productive day, unlike yesterday where it feels like I didn't really do shit. I mean hard is it to turn on my computer, plug in a few things, hit the record button, step in front of the mic and lay down my vocals? I couldn't even bring myself to do that!

But of course, when I get to work on Monday I'll be thinking to myself "I can't wait til the weekend comes so I can record some songs." Screw that...the vicious cycle stops here. It stops today. It's time to stop talking and start doing.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The first of many entries...

So I've been a MySpace blogger for quite some time now, but I've finally decided to join this thing after seeing a couple friends get in on the action. I don't really know the difference w/these blogs and the ones on MySpace, so I guess I'll just go w/the flow and see where the wind takes me.

The beginning stage of this blog also marks the possible end of a relationship that I've been in since April 2000. Of course, when this relationship first started it was perfect. You all know how it is, right? (I like to call it the honeymoon phase). But over the last 8 years, the spark has seemingly faded away. It's not a relationship of love and passion, it's more out of familiarity and becoming comfortable with each other. We've tried to make it work, but I think we're just delaying the inevitable. While I've been thinking about parting ways for awhile now, I didn't think it could possibly happen so soon.

For those of you who know me, you're probably thinking "Who the hell is he talking about?!?!?" **drumroll please**

Well folks, the long term relationship that I've had with my 1994 Honda Accord might soon come to an end! haha. I was recently involved in an accident (a half block from my apartment) and the guy's insurance company said that since my car is more than 10 years old, there's a possibility that the repairs might be more than the actual cost of the car. If that's the case, they'll just give me the money equivalent to the car's total value. Based off the estimate that the repair shop gave me and the Kelley Blue Book research I did, it's looking like the company will pay me for the car. Now I'm just hoping that I could negotiate enough money to use as a down payment on a new car.

In the words of Jim Morrison, "This is the end....this is the end, my friend." Don't get me wrong, I've had many good times in my car, but it's just time to move on. There will still be some things that I miss (sort of). I'll miss the section of primer near the gas tank. I'll miss the driver side mirror that has been taped in place (due to a hit and run driver) since 2001 [and check this out, I've been on the same roll of tape for over 7 years! I think I have one more "re-taping" left before it runs out. That would be perfect timing if I get a new car by that time].

I'm gonna miss the front and rear bumpers that have so many beautiful scratches on them. I'm gonna miss the 3 parking permit stickers that won't come off the windshield if my life depended on it. I'm gonna miss having to use pliers to not only adjust the heat/AC, but also the levels (0, 1, 2, etc). I'm gonna miss the cruise control that doesn't work anymore. I will miss the fact that only the power LOCKS work, but not the power UNLOCK. I'm gonna miss the horrible grinding sound that occurs everytime my car locks. I'm gonna miss the steering wheel whose grip has slowly been wearing off over the years. I'm going to miss the clutch pedal that no longer has the rubber footing/grip.

I'm going to miss the trunk that only locks half the time. I'm going to miss the right rear speaker that's blown out. I'm gonna miss the wheel w/the missing hubcap. And does anybody remember when the driver side window got stuck halfway and I couldn't get it fixed for a few months? Daaamn...that was a cold ass winter, I'll tell ya that much. lol. But yeah...I'm even gonna miss that too.

Actually, now that I think about it, I won't miss any of that stuff! I guess the only thing I'll miss is the pride I had in my car where most people would've felt shame. Shiiiit...that's some ghetto fabulous status right there, son! Haha.

Until next time...